Monday, July 20, 2009

Vlog 02 Sky

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Vlog 01 Sky

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MyNameIsSKYbear YOUtube Channel

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Jul. 5 2009

Markiza, my pet was very very very sad asking everytime abt small friends who can play with her. So Julie bought her new friend Matilda.
Matilda is the most young and smallest friend we have now.

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Jun. 2 2009

Strange story happened with Koik. 'cause first we had Mama Zayachik with small pink rabbit which has name Koik or Krolik, and was her daughter. Anyway meanwhile Chivolya and Julie moved to Russia, grandfather gave Koik to his grand grand daughter. So when Chivolya returned home she found Mama Zayac was very very very sad. Anyway all friends were worried about Mama Zaychik and finally Sanya decided that we have one last chance to make Mama Zaychik not so much sad. So for that we needed to find new rabbit toy and meanwhile it is new Sany can use her gift and to take a soul of first Krolik and to put it to this new rabbit toy. That we have made. In June 2 2009 Julie bought new small rabbit, well we fished it was pink but Mama Zaychik & Krolikwe couldn't find pink one, so this rabbit became our old friend Koik or Krolik. So Mama Zaychik became less sad now... Sany also make them sometimes meetings... Cause they are anyway too much far from each other.
Old pic of Koik

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